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How to start a new job with confidence

When we start a new job — no matter how excited we are, or how many successes we’ve already chalked up — there’s always a period when we feel at sea. There’s too much information, and yet too little. We’re painfully aware of being the new kid on the block, but hesitant to say when things don’t make sense — we don’t want to raise any eyebrows.

How can we possibly get up to speed and appear confidently competent at the same time?

Try this: Instead of anticipating and projecting, stay in the moment. Focus on the task at hand. If you attend to the building blocks — learning processes, getting to know your team — everything else will fall in place, bit by bit. You’ll build confidence and muffle the little voice that says, What if I screw up?

Use this printable worksheet for some tips throughout the job assimilation process.

PDF worksheet (1 page)