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Getting stuck as a Tunnel Visionary can be trickier to recognize and solve than other kinds of stuck moments.

We think we have all the information, yet we don’t feel fully informed. We puzzle through what we know again and again, but can’t find a satisfying solution. Deep down, we long for the missing link, that tidbit that will instantly make the pieces click together — yet our gaze never strays from what’s already in our line of sight.

Yes, indeed, we’re hemmed in and get stuck operating within the limits of what is. But when we shift perspective to what could be, great things can happen.

There are at least three different ways Tunnel Visionaries burrow into their stuck moments. Which sounds most familiar to you?

1. The Guarded Visionary. When we feel stuck, we stick to the safety zone. We can clearly articulate the problems, but are hesitant to put forth solutions. That way, we won’t look foolish. We need to get a little vulnerable so we can open up to new possibilities.

2. The Determined Visionary. We don’t let much get in our way, even when we’re stuck. So we push forward no matter what, trying to steamroll the nagging fear that we won’t succeed. We need to relax and unlock our brains to absorb new perspectives.

3. The Influenced Visionary. A prevailing point of view is drowning out other possibilities in our head. And our lukewarm feelings on the topic aren’t exactly driving us to explore other ideas. We need to listen to our gut instinct to find a fresh voice to help balance our thinking.

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